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  • 021 - BounceBan GPT, avoiding PPC overspend & hitting $100k ARR

021 - BounceBan GPT, avoiding PPC overspend & hitting $100k ARR

Get access to a BounceBan GPT, and find out what the Red Sneaker effect is

3 Under-the-radar Product Hunt Launches

The best products outside of the top 5

A custom ChatGPT for unlimited free email verifications.

Validate, monitor, and safeguard LLM-based apps.

Hire 5% of engineering talent vetted from 200k+ candidates.

If you’re active on PH and looking to launch, I’d be happy to support the launch. Just reach out on X.

2 Articles

The two articles I think are worth talking about

The key points:

  • Make your values your marketing material.

  • Use traditional ‘sales’ days to stand out.

  • Revive old trends to capture attention.

  • Find ordinary opportunities to be extraordinary

The key steps:

  • Decrease budgets

  • Increase ROAS targets

  • Negative Seasonality Bid Adjustments

  • Pause overperformers (keywords etc)

  • Reset campaigns (ads, landing pages etc.)

1 Founder

Featuring a founder who got from 0 to 1