Mass cold emails, Ideal customer profiles & growing with zero paid ads

3 Under-the-radar Product Hunt Launches

The best products outside of the top 5

Mass cold email subscriptions for agencies and startups.

Mobile application focused studio.

Content automation for Discord communities.

If you’re active on PH and looking to launch, I’d be happy to support the launch. Just reach out on X.

2 Articles

The two articles I think are worth talking about

This article covers:

  • Real-world examples of ICP (Ideal Customer Profile) focus and neglect.

  • Moving beyond capacity-based forecasting.

  • Strengthening partnerships between data and operations organizations.

The key takeaways:

  • You can’t rely solely on marketing attribution data.

  • Campaigns are not the silver bullet.

  • The buyer’s journey isn’t linear.

  • It’s time to rethink BDR and SDR processes.

1 Founder