YC wisdom, managing developer performance & scaling to 7-figs in one year

3 Under-the-radar Product Hunt Launches

The best products outside of the top 5

All-in-one tool for better reading & web search experience.

Craft social media posts and art, in just seconds with AI.

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If you’re active on PH and looking to launch, I’d be happy to support the launch. Just reach out on X.

2 Articles

The two articles I think are worth talking about

Follow Tinted’s path to product-market fit. They discuss:

  • Exploring ideas.

  • Building community.

  • Launching.

  • Scaling

The key takeaways:

  • Open communication channels.

  • Set clear expectations.

  • Offer regular feedback.

  • Foster continuous learning.

  • Recognize and reward.

  • Use the right tools.

  • Flexibility is key.

1 Founder