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  • 021 - Landing-page builder, leveraging AI & $43k MRR in 60 days

021 - Landing-page builder, leveraging AI & $43k MRR in 60 days

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3 Under-the-radar Product Hunt Launches

The best products outside of the top 5

A free, no-code landing page builder powered by AI.

Simple forms, instantly embed anywhere.

Your Notion expert directly in ChatGPT.

If you’re active on PH and looking to launch, I’d be happy to support the launch. Just reach out on X.

2 Articles

The two articles I think are worth talking about

The key points:

  • Enhance user experience.

  • Rapidly scale with AI onboarding and training.

  • Optimize data platforms.

  • Cause and effect analysis.

  • Manage and summarize emails.

The key pitfalls:

  • Data obsession.

  • Process obsession.

  • Hopping onto every hype cycle.

  • Creating weird roles.

1 Founder

Featuring a founder who got from 0 to 1